The Blocknative and Captcha keys are not required for MetaSniper to function. There are some situations where a mint may require a Captcha key in order to use MetaSniper for them. While the Blocknative API Key is used for more accurate gas numbers which can be more reliable for using the gas multiplier function for example.

Blocknative API Key

Captcha Keys

There are various supported captcha solvers that MetaSniper can utilize. The three are

  1. CapMonster:
  2. 2Captcha:
  3. Anti Captcha:

As mentioned previously, there are some mints that are captcha protected, in which case you will need one of the supported captcha solvers in order to use MetaSniper to mint. Since they are not required for basic functionality of MetaSniper, you don’t need to create an account and pay for their service to use our tool. But, if there is a drop that has captcha protection, it is good to have keys for these platforms on-hand in case a mint requires it.

Obtaining Captcha Keys

Since these are paid services you will need to load funds on to their platform in order to utilize their service. You are charged based by the amount of captchas that are being solved so keep that in mind. It is recommended to just keep a few dollars on their as needed since 2Captcha for example charges at most ~$2USD for every 1000 captchas. The links to where to find your captcha key for each site is here (must create an account to view the key):

  1. CapMonster:
  2. 2Captcha:
  3. Anti Captcha: