This module send offers for you based on the contract address and token ID(s) given.

Creating an Offer Task


Wallet: Select the wallet to send offers from (Make sure you have WETH approved on Opensea - try to send an offer manually)

Contract Address: Contract address of the NFT collection

Token Ids: Token Ids to send offers for, use comma , to separate each token 1,2,5,10,500... to target specific tokens, or : to target tokens in a certain range 100:500

Price: Price in WETH for the offers

Expiry Time: How long you would like your offer to be valid for

Overbid Increase: Enter a value 0.01 or percentage 10%, bot will check for current highest offer on each token and send and offers based on the current offer +overbid amount specified.

Overbid Max Price: Max offer price

Note: Price be used if there are no current offers on the token

This example will send offers of 0.4 WETH on tokens 1, 50, and 100 that are a part of the MetaSniper Access Token Collection that will expire 2 days from the time they are sent. If there are current bids on these tokens it will submit an offer 5% higher than another user so long as the bid doesn’t exceed 0.5 WETH.


Proxies are not required but recommended if you are experiencing a lot of throttling from Opensea.

2-3 concurrent offer tasks should be able to run fine without any proxies.